Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Goto

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Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Goto Average ratng: 3,9/5 6499 votes

1) Ive re-programmed the droid in the pazaak den so he wont play anymore. After I did that it said I gained notice. 2) Ive helped with the pylons. Nar shadaa - Jul 13, 08 All Star Wars Forums Neoseeker Forums » Xbox Games » Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords » Nar Shadaa (Goto's warehouse).

Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Goto's Yacht


Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Goto

I are on Goto's private yacht as the title expresses but I feel having issues figuring out what I was doing wrong. I possess rescued the primary personality and possess received those rules or what actually in the exact same room as the main character required to shut down the energy (I think that is what they are usually utilized for) I have always been today on the bridge of Goto's Private yacht and at the two sections however I perform not find any choice on either to use the codes that I discovered in the space with the main character. Based to a walkthrough I found, I feel intended to get those rules and use them on the connection. Is there something else you possess to perform that I possess missed?Any help will end up being appreciated.

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